Review Policy

As of June 20, 2020, I’m not taking new requests as I’m on a break from reviews for a while. Feel free to check out the links to other resources at the bottom of this page or in the Indie Author resources section on my sidebar.

Yes, I do accept review requests. This includes traditionally published works, small press publishing and requests from indie authors. I’m a very picky reader, though, so there is no guarantee I’ll agree to read for you.

Please take the time to review my preferred reading genres and which genres I won’t read to see if what you want reviewed fits with what I normally read before sending me a request. For small press and indie authors, I also ask that your book has gone through some form of professional editing before you request from me as I do hold those works to the same quality standards I’d expect from any traditionally published author.

My major areas of reading interest typically fall all over the place, but I prefer really good fantasy (see favorites list) including paranormal/urban, romance (mostly in the m/m genre range lately), police/crime drama and stories about families and life that really engage my emotions and make me feel.

I do not accept review requests for historical, YA/NA (or really any age target other than adult), straight up horror/gore, science fiction, religious based fiction, cliffhangers, short stories, erotica, poetry, memoirs, depressing endings or vampires. Yes, that contradicts my favorites list since the Jane Yellowrock series is on there, but… my tastes aren’t entirely rational. Hence the picky comment above. I also will not read books that are part of a series I’ve not read. Oh and no non-fiction of any kind. I’m all about the fiction.

I prefer ebooks to physical copies (usually a .mobi file). Both because this is the format I normally read in and because it keeps authors from needing to spend extra on print copies and shipping. Please don’t request a review with the expectation that I’ll,  or any reviewer for that matter, purchase your book.

If you’ve trudged through all of the above, taken a look around and still want me to review something, feel free to drop me a note. If you contact me with a request, I will respond and let you know one way or another (hopefully within a week or two). No one likes to be left hanging so you will get a response. If I do agree to read for you, I will give an honest review, no matter how good or bad, and post that review here on my blog as well as Goodreads and Amazon whenever possible.

When sending me a request, please provide the following:

Name of Book
Author (if you are not the author)
Amazon link (so I can view the “look inside” feature”)

Some additional resources I’ve found helpful for getting your book reviewed by others can be found through the following links:

Goodreads Group – Advanced Copies for Review & Book Giveaways
The Indie View Book Reviewers List
Indie Helper Database

I have a list of additional resources for authors in my sidebar for your convenience.

For details on how I rate my books, have a look at my rating system.