Pendulum Use

Instructions on Basic Pendulum Use

Pendulums are tools used in divination (an attempt to gain answers, insight, or hidden knowledge about situations or questions). While they are most commonly used to get an answer to a simple yes or no question, some practitioners use them in healing and energy work to assist in finding sites of illness or to identify where energy blockages have occurred.

The most important factors in using pendulums accurately are to keep an open mind and relax. If you are tense or uncomfortable, you may not get an accurate answer or your pendulum just may not respond at all.

Keep in mind that pendulums work off of our own energy and that since energy is fluid and ever changing, your pendulum may work differently from one use to the next. It is important to ask your pendulum to give you base line answers before asking your question every time you use it.

Pendulums typically will either move in circles, or will move left to right or front to back. Regardless of which motion occurs, the “yes” and “no” movements should be distinctly different enough from each other to be able to tell the difference.

Start by placing your elbow on a firm surface such as a table or a desk. Hold the clutch piece of the pendulum between your middle finger and thumb (if you are not comfortable with that then use a different position or grip, the important thing is that you are comfortable and able to hold your hand and arm still). Wait until the focal piece of your pendulum has stopped moving. If it is struggling to stay still on its own, then ask it to be still or still it with your other hand.

Once it is still, say “Show me yes” and watch how your pendulum swings. You may need to ask more than once, especially with a new pendulum that you are still creating a bond with. When you are comfortable with the direction it is showing you as “yes”, ask your pendulum to be still. Once it is still, repeat these steps asking it to show you “no” instead of yes.

After you have established your base line of movements for “yes” and “no”, then you are ready to ask it your question. If your pendulum happens to struggle to give you distinct answers to your base line questions, then it is probably best to put it away and try again the next day, otherwise your results will be skewed.

If you were able to establish clear base line movements with your pendulum, then the answers to your questions should come out just as clear. Generally, the more pronounced or dramatic the movements are, the more definite the answer is. If your pendulum is giving vague or unclear answers, then the answer to your question isn’t just a simple yes or no or the question was too vague. You may try asking the same question again in another day or so to see if the answer has become more clear and/or consider how to more directly ask your question so that a “yes” or “no” answer is appropriate.

Copyright © TJ Fox and may not be reproduced in any form without express permission.