Photography · Projects · Sewing

Dandelion Seeds

The neighbors are kind enough to not maintain their yard. I was finally able to get a nice fluffy dandelion seed head within steps of my yard to photograph without having to crawl around in the middle of their yard to get the shot. I love their lack of motivation from a photography standpoint. Hubby really does not appreciate it at all when looking at it from a yard maintenance perspective, though.

Besides crawling around trying to get some fun shots, I spent the day yesterday making some more masks. I now have all the pieces cut and ready to go for 35 masks. This included getting all the iron on additions along the sides (2 pieces for each mask) done as well. All I have left to do is sew them together.

I plan to get as many of these done today as I can, but I don’t have all the elastic I need to finish them. I have it on order and it should be here in the next day or so. BTW… good luck finding any for a reasonable price right now. Sheesh!

I might consider doing more if there is a demand, but as of today, my hand is killing me from all the cutting. Not just the fabric, but all the tiny little iron ons had to be cut, one of which was on the more detailed side. At least the sewing part of this won’t murder those already abused joints. It will be my back instead after having been bent over all day.

Once these are all done, they are getting gifted. One person has already asked to buy one (before I knew for sure I was going to do these), but I’ve decided that I’m not taking any money for them. It is something I really wanted to do and I like the idea of working on a project like this. The overall amount of money I will have spent when it is all said and done is negligible because close to half of these are done with scrap material I already had on hand. Besides, the group these are going to will be interacting with BG on a regular basis soon, so this just means I’m going a little above and beyond in my effort to keep my kid safe and healthy in addition to all the other people it would help.

Today’s goal is to get all of BG’s finished first. I have 4 that she has designed with fabric and print. I also need to make a final decision on what I’m doing for elastic options on the ones I’m giving away. The way I’ve modified these for BG (oh, the wire cup thingy I spent hours on the other day ended up not working well for her and we are going with the same design I made for Hubby and I, go figure!) may not work as well for everyone. I have to figure out what would be the most versatile for the most people and go from there.

All that to say I’m probably going to be busy for the next several days.


5 thoughts on “Dandelion Seeds

    1. I’m pretty adamant about wearing them whenever someone is out of the house. Sadly, that is a hard stance to take when the area I live in, only about half of people opt to do so. The studio has stated that all teachers and assistants will wear masks (and what started the project in the first place because BG is an assistant), but it isn’t required for students. I simply cannot make a mask for every single student, but I can help to make it easier for the teachers to show that they can be fun, especially if the assistants are wearing them as well.

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      1. I wear a mask when I’m inside a store or coming within 6 feet of someone outside. I don’t feel the need to wear one just because I’m outside of my house and if I’m walking on a trail that’s wide and not crowded, I don’t feel I need to wear it then either. I know some people do, and others don’t seem to wear one ever. I’m trying to be safe and also trying not to judge people outside. In a store is a different story.

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      2. I totally understand. There isn’t a need for one if you aren’t going to be around other people. About the only time we leave at all is to go to the store. Hubby won’t wear one while working in the yard, even though one of our neighbors seems to think that is social hour and loves to come talk. While standing very close. And doing the whole chewing tobacco spit thing. So… yeah.

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      3. Ewww. Chewing tobacco and spitting is unacceptable regardless of the times.
        I’ve seen people walking in the neighborhood wearing a mask and they’re alone and if there was another person walking, it would be easy enough to give a 6 ft berth to them. I’ve always got it with me ‘just in case’ but I don’t feel the need to wear it outside when there’s few people around.

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