
I am a slightly sane artist, amateur photographer, book addict, wife, mom and raging introvert. I have more hobbies than I can count, so it is beyond shocking that I manage to find time to do any of them, let alone most of them and still have time to do anything else.  Of all the talents I claim, writing wasn’t one of them until my muse dropped the idea for a book on my head. And I now get to add that I’m officially a published author. An Unexpected Turn is my jump into the writing and self-publishing world.

If you are looking to purchase a print of any of my photos or if you are looking for something really unique in home decor or even a few fun clothing items featuring any of those photos, you can find it on my Redbubble site. If the image you want isn’t there, feel free to contact me and I can see what I can do.

My Personal Cast

Hubby – That one’s kinda obvious
OC – Oldest Child, my oldest son
MC – Middle Child, my second son (4 years younger than OC)
BG – Baby Girl, my youngest; my daughter (2 years younger than MC)
MCG – This would be MC’s girlfriend. She occasionally sneaks a peek in here, so I thought she deserved a spot on the cast list.

Basically, this is kind of my dumping ground for everything that grabs my interest or needs to get unloaded out of my head. Mostly, though, I’m going to share pretty pictures and talk about books.

“Instead of looking at the world in black and white, or even the gray “middle ground”, why in the hell aren’t we looking for purple (or red, or blue, or orange)? The world is NOT monochromatic.”  – TJ Fox – 2017

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