Family · General Update · Parenting

Wild, Stressful, Emotional Week

This whole week has been weird. And wild. And stressful. And emotional. And it isn’t over yet.

I knew it might be emotional because it is Christmas program week. I have one down that I managed to make it through without crying. Mostly because BG and her friend in that class were goofy and laughing the whole time, which I always adore watching. They are so much fun together!

That one was different on another level because BG’s boyfriend got to come to that one. He’s a sweet kid that she’s known forever, but they had always just been friends. Most likely he will being going with us again to ballet since that is the one she really wanted him to be able to see. It was different, but still good because she was really excited to have him there.

MC and MCG drove to spend a few days with MCG’s family to celebrate Christmas with them since they will be here with us on the day. It is 8 hours and MC only ever did that drive following Hubby when they moved MCG here back in August. This is the first time he has ever gone that far on his own, so of course I was a worried, nervous wreck the whole time. It didn’t help that we had some ugly weather moving in while they were supposed to be on the road.

They made it fine and I was able to breathe again, just in time for that nasty weather to hit us. We hit mid 70’s for temps, which is insane for December around here and a big part of why the storms were so bad. Thankfully, we missed the worst of it, but still had some epic winds that knocked out power for a lot of people. Again, I’m grateful we missed that part. We did get inundated with some pretty heavy smoke smell that somehow got dragged in from fires that were hundreds of miles away. It permeated the house last night and I was worried it would be still hanging around today. I guess the winds did their job and moved it out after a few hours.

I did have a bit of a freak out last night with BG. She always texts when she goes somewhere to let me know she made it okay. She forgot for the first time last night and she didn’t respond to my text checking in because she was assisting her little kids’ dance program. Thankfully, they live streamed it and after about 15 minutes of not seeing BG on the video, she finally got in camera view. Yes, I’m very much a worrier about my little chicks when they are away from their nests and I was primed after being on edge all day worrying about MC and MCG.

BG’s high school wasn’t quite as lucky as us with the storms. Part of the building was without power, which included their internet. They still made the kids come in, but they couldn’t switch classes like normal. Instead, they had to sit around in their first hour with absolutely nothing to do.

I spent the entirety of the nearly 4 hours chatting via text with BG about how utterly bored she was, how cold it was (as only part of the building had heat) and how over half of her class was gone because they’d had parents call them out. She rode to school with her boyfriend, so me doing the same was tied to him being able to leave as well. I was just about to call her out when I got notification from the school that the power was back on. Poor girl! She had to stay the rest of the day! lol!

It was funny, but also not because the whole thing was kind of stupid. There was no reason to make those kids go in at all. By the time the power was back on, they only had about an hour and a half of actual class time they could use in the rest of the day.

This has also been Hubby’s week in the office so I’ve been doing all of this in a very quiet house with not a whole lot to keep me distracted.

I have performance number 2 out of the 3 to go to tonight. This one might be a bit more emotional, but I think I’ll be okay for this one. Saturday? Yeah, I’m not going there yet. MC and MCG will be back on the road tomorrow, so I’ll be a worried wreck again. It is kind of a shock to the system to see my kid doing these really grown up, adult things like visiting the “in-laws” for the holidays (still in dating mode, so in-laws isn’t technically correct. yet.)

As much as I want to savor every moment of these programs and this time, I also kind of wish it was next week already so I could get off this little roller coaster of chaos. It kind of feels like every time I turn around I’m getting this little smack in the face of “your kids aren’t kids anymore.” I know they are supposed to be helping me adjust and transition to that new phase, but I think I’m trying to dig my heals in. If I toss myself on the ground, kicking and screaming in a toddler like temper tantrum, well… I never said I’d go into that phase gracefully.

3 thoughts on “Wild, Stressful, Emotional Week

    1. You know, my son really didn’t help yesterday when he texted “Oven caught fire. Oops.” He is 8 hours away and that is all he felt important to let me know. lol! I’m not even going to start on how he is irking me today already!

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